The Head Teachers of our partner Primary schools are fully committed to the recruitment and training of outstanding practitioners. A placement within our Primary network of schools will give you the very best start to your career. You will be learning and working alongside the talented teaching staff of these vibrant and exciting schools. Working with your mentor, you'll contribute significantly to the school and the learning experiences of the children as you develop your knowledge and skills in the classroom. Primary training prepares trainees to teach pupils for age 5 – 11 (KS1 & KS2).
School-based Teacher Training
Our school-based teacher training allows you to be immersed, in all aspects of school life, from the moment you arrive on the course. You will be introduced to your host school before meeting the children, allowing you time to build positive and important relationships with key members of staff who will support you throughout your teacher training year. From the moment you enter school on the first day, you will be treated as a member of the staffing team, allowing you to build strong relationships with those in your class and around school. Through the support offered from your Class Mentor and SCITT Tutor, you will gradually take on additional responsibilities and be given more freedom to explore and apply your creativity. As you become more confident and independent in your teaching, you will begin to experience the gratification and the joy that comes from children learning what you have taught them.
Apply to Us:
Applications for a place on our SCITT are done via the Department for Education (DfE) and the link is below:
Our Training
Commitment to You
A dedicated mentor overseeing every aspect of your development
Regular feedback, subject knowledge and support with your lesson planning
Subject and phase experts, offering advice and support throughout the year
Staff in your school who are dedicated to your development
Access to your dedicated SCITT Tutor and the central support team
Continuous support and guidance to build your confidence and pedagogy
Advice and ongoing support in effective behaviour management