What is the difference between a SCITT course and a PGCE?
Perhaps the most common question we are asked at Train To Teach events is "What is the difference between..."
Let's start at the top level...
Only ITT 'Providers' have the authority to confer Qualified Teacher Status on an ITT trainee. In England, ITT Providers are either SCITTs or ITT accredited Universities.
All ITT providers work in partnership with schools in their region to offer on site teaching experience. Some partnerships may have 'Lead' schools who work within their partnership. Lead schools will recruit trainees they wish to be based at their school (or local cluster of schools).
Many SCITTs offer both QTS and a PGCE (in conjunction with a local university). The PGCE element of a course has additional value as it is often seen as the qualification which teachers need when applying for posts outside of England & Wales.