We are able to offer outstanding training across all Secondary curriculum areas. From Dance to Physics, we have expert practitioners in all areas to support and develop your skills and expertise. Our courses prepare trainees to teach in the 11 – 16 age range (KS3 & KS4) together with some 6th Form teaching experience). Psychology, Health & Social Care and Business Studies trainees are prepared to work in the 14-19 age range (KS4 & KS5). Please note that some subject areas are extremely competitive (PE, English, History) and we advise all prospective trainees to apply early.
Apply to Us:
Applications for a place on our SCITT are done via the Department for Education (DfE) and the link is below:
Our Training
Commitment to You
A dedicated mentor overseeing every aspect of your development
Regular feedback, subject knowledge and support with your lesson planning
Subject and phase experts, offering advice and support throughout the year
Staff in your school who are dedicated to your development
Access to your dedicated SCITT Tutor and the central support team
Continuous support and guidance to build your confidence and pedagogy
Advice and ongoing support in effective behaviour management